Oocyte vitrification for fertility preservation for both medical and nonmedical reasons



Growing evidence of successful outcomes achieved with the oocyte vitrification technique has greatly contributed to its application in field fertility preservation (FP). The population that can benefit from FP includes women at a risk losing their ovarian function because either iatrogenic causes or natural depletion reserve. Therefore, oncological patients and healthy who wish delay motherhood for various reasons—elective FP—are currently being offered this option. Satisfactory survival rates clinical outcomes, including cumulative live birth rates, have been reported recent years. These studies show age retrieval strongly affects reproductive prognosis after FP. elective should be encouraged decide before they reach 35 years significantly increase chances success. effect also observed cancer diagnosed endometriosis. outcome is worse cancer, but direct association between disease yet proven. Young (?35 years) endometriosis undergone cystectomy than nonoperated age-matched groups. In addition, number oocytes used per patient closely related success all populations, considerable improvement result addition few oocytes, especially young patients. Discuss: You discuss article authors other readers https://www.fertstertdialog.com/posts/32145 purpose (FP) preserve both male female gametes individuals whose threatened by reasons. Cryopreservation gamete occurred during second half 2000s, concomitantly upsurge escalation efficient vitrification. Nevertheless, history cryopreservation fraught failures, beginning publication first via slow freezing 1986 (1Chen C. Pregnancy human cryopreservation.Lancet. 1986; 1: 884-886Abstract PubMed Scopus (793) Google Scholar), followed practically no reports results subsequent continuous efforts. This negative trend began change emergence Thus, baby born using technology was 1999 (2Kuleshova L. Gianaroli Magli Ferraretti A. Trounson Birth following small oocytes: case report.Hum Reprod. 1999; 14: 3077-3079Crossref (425) Scholar). 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(33Kim 9 storage. electron microscope grids vitrification, longer practice technical difficulties involved.Table 1Oocyte populations.AuthorIndicationNo. patientsNo. cyclesNo. warmed oocytesSurvival (%)Clinical (%)Live (%)Sanchez-Serrano al., 2010 Scholar)?Onco-FP119100100100Kim 2011 Scholar)Onco-FP11771.4100100García-Velasco 2013 (34Garcia-Velasco Scholar)?Onco-FP1142525EFP262619184.842.319.2Alvarez 2014 (35Alvarez Scholar)Onco-FP11887.5100100Da (36da Scholar)Onco-FP12195050Martinez (37Martinez Scholar)Onco-FP11116592.354.5Perrin 2016 (38Perrin Scholar)Onco-FP115100100100Cobo Scholar)?EFP1371481,18285.246.220.9Doyle (39Doyle Scholar)EFP1281,28386.157.138.6Specchia 2019 (40Specchia Scholar)Onco-FP11147386.330.815.4Diaz-Garcia Scholar)?Onco-FP4977.336.429.1Cobo Scholar)?EFP6416805,83083.950.733.7Onco-FP808160581.841.431Wennberg (41Wennberg Scholar)EFP38493937826.3Cobo 2020 (42Cobo Scholar)?Endo-FP4855294,53183.245.946.4Note: Totals calculated marked asterisks (?) belong investigators; overlapping. = preservation; endo-FP endometriosis; preservation. Open table tab Note: 2013, another returned t

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عنوان ژورنال: Fertility and Sterility

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['0015-0282', '1556-5653']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.02.006